Friday, May 23, 2014

Small Group

Can you imagine a small group of young families who meet a couple of times a month?  Often such groups meet to encourage the parents on practical topics like parenting, marriage or finances.  This is all good, and it is mostly directed at the adults.  The adults need to find some way to keep the kids busy so the parents can learn.

What if the children were the goal?  Imagine an informal gathering with fun and food lasting for ninety minutes or so.  Then the families gather together to sing some fun children’s songs for five minutes.  This could be followed by reciting the children’s catechism, reading a short section of a children’s Bible, or a children’s biography of a person of faith.  After a short time of prayer, in which the kids are encouraged to pray, the group can gather up their stuff and head home.

Would this teach parents how to have family worship?  Would this help young parents better understand their own faith?  Would this help dads more closely engage in their children’s lives?  Would this show kids that they are important?  Would it helps everyone know that worship is very pleasant?

What if...

About Me

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I have been a PCA pastor since 1993, having been a pastor in Arizona, Florida, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, and as the Team Leader for MTW’s work in Scotland. I am currently the Senior Pastor of Providence Presbyterian Church in York, PA. As a pastor, my desire is to help everyone I meet live out Psalm 73:25, “Whom have I in Heaven but You, and besides You I desire nothing on earth.” I love my Wife Robin, my two sons, Patrick and Michael and my daughter in law, Britney. I am firmly wrapped around the fingers of my granddaughters.
